Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How long would it take for a pioneer to travel from Maine to California in a horse-drawn carrage?

PLEASE HELP! I am doing a history report on a pioneer and i need to know how long it would take a family to travel in a horse-drawn carrage from Maine to San Fransisco, California.How long would it take for a pioneer to travel from Maine to California in a horse-drawn carrage?I found this :

Mileage the wagon train travels each day:

The wagon train will usually cover between 10 and 18 miles daily. This will depend on the location for the evening campsites. Average daily mileage is about 15 miles per day, with the most miles traveled in the morning when it is cooler.

Total estimated distance from Bangor Maine to San Francisco : 3332.00 miles

So, travelling approx 15 miles day, it would take almost 222 days to make the trip. Or 7 1/2 months

A horse drawn carriage might take slightly less time than a wagon, but it's a close approximation鈥?/a> (distance map)

I hope this helpsHow long would it take for a pioneer to travel from Maine to California in a horse-drawn carrage?A heavy loaded waggon drawn by oxen would be far slower than a carrage with very little cargo drawn by a team of horses. Mules however would be by far the best draft animals in the dry regions they passed through being far tougher and stronger than horses.How long would it take for a pioneer to travel from Maine to California in a horse-drawn carrage?A Super Long Time.....

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