Monday, January 30, 2012

What to do on Amtrak if you have panic attacks, and travel anxiety?

My boyfriend and I are taking Amtrak, for a 27 hour ride. My boyfriend suffers from severe panic attacks and travel anxiety. We reserved a room so that we can lay down and feel a little bit isolated. We know it's small, but he said it would help him. He is nervous enough about the ride, and i doubt he will be able to fall asleep with his nerves running wild. Besides listening to music, watching movies and reading, what do you recommend we do to keep entertained, to have fun, and to take his mind off traveling? Thanks!What to do on Amtrak if you have panic attacks, and travel anxiety?What treatment options have you explored? I have panic disorder and I can tell you that it can be successfully treated and doesn't have to continually interfere with your life like that. If it's in treatment and not getting any relief, I just suggest trying an anti-anxiety drug or an antidepressant used for anxiety. Also relaxation exercises are wonderful.What to do on Amtrak if you have panic attacks, and travel anxiety?I used to use xanax for panic attacks and seroquel for generalized anxiety disorder. This sound like what he has. Therapy didn't work for me.

Below is a decent link for info on anxiety and panic attacks.What to do on Amtrak if you have panic attacks, and travel anxiety?Sleeping pills

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