Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is the travel time by public bus, auto and two wheeler from Indiranagar to Whitefield?

distance between Indira Nagar and Whitefield is 15.6km. Do you know how much time it takes to travel from Indira Nagar to Whitefield by auto, public bus and two wheeler during office time?

How is the road? Is it full of potholes? is the road safe for two wheelers? How is the frequency of public bus on this route?What is the travel time by public bus, auto and two wheeler from Indiranagar to Whitefield?Depends on which time of the day. During peak hours, and if it rains heavily, it could take an hour or so by a scooter or two wheeler...I dont know about public buses. Road is not too good...reasonable by Bengaluru standards.What is the travel time by public bus, auto and two wheeler from Indiranagar to Whitefield?Road is not a very bad one-drivable on a 2 wheeler. Busdes you have to reach Old madras road/Old airport road to catch a bus to whitefield-there are plenty of buses availabel from Domlur junction as well as Indiranagar /OMR junction. auto will be a very costly option because of distance-there isnt much of a difference between bus and auto for the strech with respect to time taken. Two-wheeler travel depends on your age for teh strech owing to the bottlenecks.

If you can tell where exactly in whitefield I can guide you with the bus routes as well and the best stop for the buses
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